작성일 : 18-01-15 09:37
RE: Deadline Extended to January 22 - KAAPA conference grants for doctoral students
 글쓴이 : 웹섬김…
조회 : 11,243  

Dear KAAPA members,

I am pleased to announce KAAPA conference grants for doctoral students. KAAPA will provide financial support for TWO doctoral students who will make a presentation at the 2018 AAA annual meeting in Washington DC. Each recipient will be awarded $500 of travel support. 

The application requirement is described below:
1. The applicant should be eligible for a KAAPA associate member (i.e., an accounting doctoral student).
2. The applicant should submit the following files to admin@kaapa.org no later than January 22, 2018. Please title the email as “KAAPA conference grant application.”
     (1) a paper submitted to the 2018 AAA annual meeting, 
     (2) a submission confirmation email from the AAA annual meeting, 
     (3) a CV, and 
     (4) a description of financial need (including the availability of conference grants at the university). 

A tentative timeline for the grant program is as follows:
1. The review committee will select 4-5 candidates in February.
2. The candidates in the short list are required to present their papers at KAAPA webinars in March to April.
3. The review committee will select the TWO recipients of conference grants in May (after checking the acceptance of papers by the 2018 AAA annual meeting). 
4. KAAPA will award the grants on the KAAPA meeting during the AAA annual meeting period in August.

The review committee will evaluate not only the quality of the paper but also the financial need of applicants. Either a solo paper or a co-authored paper can be submitted. If the number of applications is too small, the committee may select only one recipient.
I would appreciate if all KAAPA members share the grant information with Korean doctoral students. Please feel free to contact me at admin@kaapa.org if you have any question about the grants. 

Best regards,

Jay Junghun Lee 

KAAPA President​ 


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